Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am happy to share that we are #5 on the wait list.  I received a email this morning from our agency and she shared the news with me. This means we are # 1 for a single infant. What this means is that the four families ahead of us are waiting for 2 or more children and older too.  We are so CLOSE!
I have to admit that the closer we get the harder it becomes to wait! We could get a phone call any day or it could be a month or two.  Not being in control of the situation is very difficult for me, some one that likes to know what and when things are going to happen. God sees the big picture, He already has our brown eyed baby picked out for us.  SO I trust Him, he has not let me down yet!

Over the last few months I have become more and more aware of God's faithfulness.  So often we get so busy with life and the "noise" around us we have trouble seeing God work.  He is and it is evident all around us and in every way.  Sometimes we just have to take the time to see it.  Thank Him for how He is working in your life in big and small ways.  Slow down, turn the "noise" off and be amazed.

"Great is thy Faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see"

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and can't wait to hear good news soon. Yes, faithfulness is key with adoption. He knows what is best for us and we just have to trust in Him.
